Paddlin' the Prairies On Regina's Mighty ShoresBecome a Volunteer at the Dragon Boat Festival
A Major Part of Our Event
The Regina Dragon Boat Festival is looking for individuals or organizations who would like to be part of a premier water sport and festival, gain experience by volunteering to help with this year’s event.
We recognize and salute all volunteers who contribute to the festival as it would not be possible without the help of many volunteers like yourself who kindly donate their energy and time at the festival each year.
Help make the best festival yet by becoming a volunteer!
There are 2 areas we require volunteers for.

Why volunteer?
Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. Volunteering and helping others can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.
While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness
The chart below outlines the volunteers required during the Dragon Boat Event in and around the event site.